
The Studio Chronicles by Luisa

Drawing Artist working with watercolour, gouache and oil pastel I write about creative process, love of drawing and share lots of inspiring findings. Subscribe to get the monthly letter. Visit my website to see my work:

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Video Library Reorganization!

Hello you! A quick note to let you know that AT LAST Patreon decided to implement organization tools and now The Studio Chronicles video library is cleaner and easier to navigate. Ahhh the history... Patreon introduced collections and I’ve been slowly arranging the 100+ posts into logical groups so when you join, you can find the medium or the topic you want to view. Hopefully next year, when I’m finished with all these health issues I will start filming again. Being able to put each post...

Hello Reader, It's been a while both here and maybe on other online spaces. I had a few rough patches along my chemo treatments. Some very ghastly episodes that involved a hospital stay and so many side effects that I questioned if chemo was even worth it. In the meantime I lost all desire to draw and felt like someone forgot me in an infinite tumble dry cycle. I could not find the right way up but somehow this week feels better and I'm using the smallest windows of feeling myself to do...

Hello Reader, This month I'm pondering the question: Where is home? Home is not where you were born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease. - Naguib Mahfouz You will probably see me share this quote over and over. It had a profound impact when I read it. It was a fleeting post on IG but it was absolutely meant for me in that second.I used to move every four years; there was something about that time frame that made me skedaddle from wherever I was: from a bad job, a sad love story,...

Hello Reader, This is a page from my journal, edited and formatted for The Studio Chronicles. I've been searching nonstop for something. I thought I had it, but it didn't last. Distraction is an everyday challenge, being curious and interested in dozens of things simultaneously isn't helpful either. Last week I threw out a huge pile of drawings. I was sick of looking at them. At one point I’d been proud, but lately they felt disjointed and alien to me, like I hadn’t made them. There were no...

Girl sitting

Hello Reader, Have you ever wondered what you call a person who draws? Usually a draughts-person or simply an artist. But lately, I've been itching to find a more specific term that might fit better. I've shuffled from illustration to drawing to painting and back again. Constantly feeling that I'm half-assing it. Never going all in. When I take walks with my dog, I don't bring my headphones. It's my thinking time. Boris is a hard-core sniffer, so as I stand by him, waiting for him to "read...

Hello Reader, This year I fantasized about a clean slate multiple times. I wanted to delete all my posts on my IG. I wanted to delete my website and my Patreon page. I wanted to clean out my studio and keep only a small set of watercolours, pencils, and a few tubes of gouache. Two sketchbooks. I wanted to toss out most of my clothes, shoes, and everything. I wanted to close up all the different email accounts I have. Then, empty the computer into a hard drive and then put that hard drive into...

Oil Pastel Freedom is now available! Needless to say, all the emotions that my mind and body can produce are having a party. It’s taken a while to produce. At first, I made the rookie mistake of wanting to include all the things but realized that it would overwhelm everybody, including myself. I’m very passionate about Oil pastels. I hope this class really shows it. I’ve included as much as possible for you to start using your pastels in a totally autonomous way. Drawing with Line I wouldn't...